Proud American Patriot. Would rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave. Son/Father/Brother/Musician
Alright, so one question I have is...
Challenger explosion, Did or didn't this actually occur? I've seen the videos showing most if not all of the astronauts still being alive (if coincidence, then the similarities are uncanny) and to me, this basically leaves a couple of obvious possibilities... Could the existence of the photos of these folks (or in two such cases, labeled as their twin brother) now being senior citizens be due to timelines colliding/bleed due to CERNs activities? Seems some fuckery might be afoot at some level but can't surmise what the heck is going on with it all.
Do you think what most of us recall about the Challenger explosion back in the 80's was actually:?

Proud American Patriot. Would rather be a free man in my grave than living as a puppet or a slave. Son/Father/Brother/Musician
If you check the image I posted with this you will see two pairs of twins from Challenger. McNair and Onizuka.