I don't know who needs to hear this but...
This journey has its ups & downs. It's hard & not for the weak. It's ok to fall down. Allow yourself to feel it, but try not to stay there too long.
Get out of your head and just breathe. Your thoughts aren't facts....don't let the 'unknowns' cycle through your brain and get the best of you!
You KNOW why you are here, that you're meant to be here.. You KNOW we win even though sometimes the questions & skepticism can sink in.
Do something to feel better & begin again tomorrow (or the next day if u need it). Even if it's small...try 10 different things if nothing is working - listen to music, text someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, organize your pantry, watch a funny youtube video, look at old photos, cross something off of your to-do list, make a list of things you're grateful for in your life, hug your kids, lean on someone here, go for a walk...whatever it is, just breathe & try to enjoy it.
And as always - You go

Gonna be GLORIOUS❤️ Co-Chair @ Memetrunk.com
Thank you for sharing, I needed to hear this. As far as we've all come, all we've endured, and the community we've built here, it's a lonely road and low vibe thoughts do still creep in.
Luckily, we have amazing frens here, and an arsenal of tools to get us through the tough times. One moment at a time, one day at a time, that beautiful brave new world is just ahead. The harder the climb, the more glorious the view. We got this❤️
We are here for you. I can relate. I fight every day to protect my mind and spirit.
Yes, it has been a very lonely road the past few years being this awake and the people around me having no clue or care of what is going on.
Meditate, pray scriptures out loud, EFT Tapping, enjoying hobbies, going for walks......
Do whatever it takes to keep standing.