Father, Patriot, Truth Seeker, Pedophile Head Hunter! Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance.
I have a Question and anyone feel free to give your 2 cents. We obviously have an extremely filthy tyrannical Government trampling our god given rights everyday and stealing, molesting, and killing, our Children not to mention the whistleblowers. Does anyone think its just the higher ups, Pelosi n Biden and the rest of the fucks? I'm 100% positive the corruption is just as bad on any local (city, county, state) level as it is in D.C. These local level criminals are not really being talked about to much and I don't want those fucking pricks feeling left out! If this is going be gov. clean up th
If there was a hotline, St. Peter, MN would have plenty of residents calling in to name names in its corrupt local government.

Father, Patriot, Truth Seeker, Pedophile Head Hunter! Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance.
ow im sure you are correct. Im down in the cornfields of illinois and u would think chicago stretch the whole state. total corruption