Faith for good. God’s hands. Business owner Praying for the world
which when you consider one of the cutes for the rona virus is ivomectrin, which is used to kill parasites in animals, it all kinda fits together.

Obesity and smoking being a strong contributor to severity of symptoms has been stated and reported for months.
Same thing for vitamin D and sunlight respectively
Analysis of vitamin D level among asymptomatic and critically ill COVID-19 patients and its correlation with inflammatory markers | Scientific Reports
COVID-19 is characterized by marked variability in clinical severity. Vitamin D had recently been reviewed as one of the factors that may affect the severity in COVID-19. The objective of current study is to analyze the vitamin D level in COVID-19 patients and its impact on the disease severity. Aft..
Inextinguishable adj; impossible to extinguish; Not extinguishable; Incapable of being extinguished; unquenchable.
We were censored early (last march) regarding eating healthy. fb took down any posts mentioning anything other than "the lie"

20 years of seeing through the matrix has brought me here. Jesus is Lord.
This meme is#1 on my list of Obvious Reasons COVID is a Scamdemic.
Common sense would dictate government and businesses joining forces to educate the public on lowering comorbidities as that would immediately decrease death rate.
This campaign is non-existent because they aren't in the business of saving lives, they are in the business of taking them. Western medicine + FDA guidance + GMO/Roundup/etc has knowingly poisoned the population. The war crimes are off the charts.

Digital soldier reporting for duty. Here for the truth, the camaraderie and President Trump.
THIS is what woke me up. not 9-11, not OK bombing, etc...but Dr. Fraudci who i blindly respected but immediately became suspicious of after two solid weeks of press conferences and never once mentioning anything to maintain health, spirituality or staying in touch with loved ones. just isolation, fear porn b.s. every day like a broken record. I trusted my instincts and decided there was something not right...more to it. Mentioned it to a friend who woke me up to his connections to Bill Gates. After that I was off to the races on my journey of the great awakening.

Wife, mother and grandmother, Christian, truth fighter/promoter , love gardening, and good music, lace designer, maker and instructor.
We are dealing with CRIMINALS... They already killed thousands if not thousands of people with their draconian measures, the masks and now with the vaccines...