Here is a big key to the Act of England 1871 Reversal.
Number 1 - Senior Executive Services up until Trump removing them, run the United States Secret Service and replaced them with BlackWater [Erik Prince]
Number 2 - Who owned Senior Executive Services? SERCO
Number 3 - Who owns SERCO? Prince William.
Number 4 - Who will dissolve the UK Royals? - Prince William.
Number 5 - Who Infiltrated UK Royals through Arteficial Insemination - Rothschild's
Number 6 - Who owns the UK Royals? - Vatican & Knights of Malta [All Dissolved]
Number 7 - Who were the Rothschild's? - Bauer Family then before that Bacharach's in times of Christ.
Number 8 - Who were the Bacharach's? The Pharisees - The ones who Jesus called Liars, Hypocrites, Snakes! & Brood of Vipers!
Number 9 - Who does John call the Anti Christ?
John 2 22
Number 10 -You have lived under the Beast - Anti Christ for Centuries. Everyone who wears a Crown on their uniform work for the Anti Christ Bacharach's.