The White Hats’ long-term plan involved allowing the dark ones to take their agenda to the eleventh hour, believing they would be successful in controlling and destroying Humanity and full dominion over Earth/Terra. But Hillary Clinton did not win the office of President of the United States. That was the moment of the first stab of the sword of truth. It took them completely by surprise.
“Q drops” gave us all we need to know and more, but some folks don’t see what they need to see to feel secure and trust that we are in good hands and like many of us have been doing for many years, they feel moved to warn others.
It’s fear talking, folks, and it’s how the cabal feels, because they have lost control. They are now in reactive mode and the Earth Alliance knows how to manipulate them into doing what they want them to do = expose themselves and their agenda to the world.
The White Hats can’t tell us every minute detail of the Plan. It’s up to us to connect the dots and through the