I would like to share a story of God's healing. My brother in law was in a head on collision back in August. I asked you guys for prayer. He was in UAB and was in very bad shape. He was there for almost 3 months and finally the doctors told my sister to go ahead and get hospice. They gave up one him and said he will surly die. After I was told this God told me to go there the next day and pray for him. I went. I put my hand on his chest while my sister held his hand and I told her to ignore all the nurses and doctors. We began to pray. My sister laid hands on me and him while we prayed. I felt all my energy drain and I had to stop and as I walked to a chair I told my sister that that would throw the doctors for a loop. He looked dead as we prayed and by that evening he woke up. One month later he was home and is doing great. He still has two broken feet but he is starting to walk. PRAISE THE ALMIGHTY GOD!!!! I start tearing up every time I talk about it and while typing this.
I am so happy to hear this and happy for you and your entire family!!!
What GREAT news!!!
God Bless and sending a prayer for all of you!!!🙏