There were some people commenting on Telegram accusing Q people of inciting Antifa. They are just deflecting from the truth. I posted this.

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In response Discernment Sleuth to her Publication

I've seen that report. However, I was addressing the accusers in my response as they are trying to blame Trump supporters for the activity of the left & want to paint what they call "QAnon" as a group to categorize people and then assign them with republican characteristics. They've been doing the same with white people. You can see a similar tactic at play if you look up HR 5602. They drafted that in the middle of a war/bioweapon pandemic season caused by China claiming a certain group of their own citizens, which are white are the largest threat to society. SMH This should be repudiated.

Daughter of Jesus Christ the most high God Hard to find info

In response Just Jesus to his Publication

common sense doesnt grown in everyones garden

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