Midnight Rider Channel
DAN SCAVINO vid post
“Sean Spicer is in the house
[Former White House Press Sec.]
Can you explain what COVFEFE meant Sean?
Sean said ‘Those that need to know,
know the answer.’”
1. “Covfefe’ (pronounced “cuv – fee- fae”)
is an Antediluvian term for
It was commonly used by the sons of Adam
to rail against the evil actions of the fallen
who had led man astray.”
2. Operation COVFEFE
Adrenochrome → Ferritin + Iron (Fe)
Cov refers to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Fe a critical part of adrenochrome
3. Co Cobalt V Vanadium Fe Iron Fe Iron
“The magnets clean up the impurities from 5G
on an ionic level, keeps oxygen from being depleted,
making HARMLESS the high radio frequency radio waves
According to Gene Decode,
E. Musk swapped out 5G for Tesla Towers 😉💞