😼 I had the same thought as Army Girl:
How could QTeam permit such a terrible
toxic waste crash in Ohio?
I believe The Yorkshire Lass
& Army Girl are correct:
This is a White Hat Op to rescue children
& dismantle Human Trafficking in Ohio.
The Yorkshire Lass discovered
that Vanguard Group, JP Morgan & BlackRock
are the top 3 shareholders
in Norfolk Southern Corp.
the train that derailed in Ohio
& this is how they traffic children:
in train cars from the shipping yards.
Army Girl
"I am a firm believer
that children are trafficked by rail
in shipping containers
& empty tankers,
as much so as by sea.
It is likely every seaport
has a tunnel entrance
[confirmed by Gene Decode 3 years ago]
& most likely every rail yard..."
Pray Army Girl & Yorkshire Lass are correct
& that the toxic waste crash
in East Palestine, Ohio
is a FF & White Hat Rescue Op 💥

Agreed... Also, if you look at the map, there's a town called Wonderland closeby... Alice & Wonderland now makes sense.

Love my president. Animal lover, coal miners daughter, retired, lives in WV..God always wins.
I haven't believed this junk from the start..others wrecked in S.C. and Texas. They must be delivering children also.

Beautiful sunshine , the smell of fresh flowers 😍. God be with us all .. Proud American , Trump is our man 😉
This all makes alot of sense , thanks Kat for helping us stop and think 🤔 😊


ULTRA-MAGA! Kicked off TWTR same day as DJT & and Gen Flynn. Badge of Honor! Kicked off 9th time & I'm now done ! Trump WILL be back.
Explains why we hear crickets from John Kerry, Greta and all the other climate activists.

Light Warrior, The knower of all Truth, Love God, Love my Family, Love Trump, Love America.. Always learning.. WWG1WGA
So smart.. wasn't making any sense to me that there was zero coverage .. no hazmat suited people.. etc. Thank you for the confirmation!

Strat Guy Vic on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/PsAQ5EWk4mAEnCer6 Victor 🤍 Teah 9•26•23
I didn't believe this crap from the beginning. My posts over a couple days shows that. Project bluebeam can show us anything and people will see it with their own eyes. Distractions work far too often even among anons. I simply don't feel bad for anyone when these FFs are carried out. And once u do...they gotcha. Epstein and maxwell documents are released and suddenly everyone feels bad for Ohio. I dont.

That derailment was no accident

That derailment was no accident

Juan made a mention about the railroad strike. We know the Unions are infiltrated. Threat from the Unions to Biden to stop blocking the strike. White Hats making it look like supply line attacks for needed goods but only blowing up poisonous chemicals?

Ty, EOS Goddess,
I'm transcribing some of Juan's vid now.
Will post when I'm done.
There is far more to this Train Crash
than we know
but I deeply pray it has to do
with STOPPING the trafficking
of the children
the drugs
the weapons
the poisons
& every other evil thing the monsters do 🙏💞

Also VK mentioned "liquidity crisis"...chemicals dumped/leached into water supply? Maybe that was the intention and US MIL intervened..Watch the Water..

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
I was listening to Charlie Ward on the Insider Club Zoom call this morning, and he said all of the recent train derailings in the last 6 months have been trains operated by Norfolk Southern.
I also know that Walmarts are usually located next to rail lines and at freeway interchanges.
The Walmart close to me is exactly that. The rail line is right next to the building, and it sits under a freeway interchange.
So, chemicals and child trafficking are all involved here.
5 additional posts containing "baby on floor".
From Julie Green
September 5, 2022
A well-known rail company is about to be in your news for a surprising reason.

💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music: revissounds.com
Truly Sorry For Those Who
Are Not Well.
Anyone Use "Swifter" Shit?
Wonderful Folks Use
"The Swifter" Spraying Chemicals On Floors... Beautiful Human Babies Might Crawl On Floors, Then Their Hands Everywhere, In Their Mouths... Possible Illnesses?
What About Animals?
Anyone Using "Swifter" Spraying Chemicals,
Animals Licking Their Paws
AND Getting Illnesses??? Animals Experiencing
Kidney Failure, Cancer Illnesses?
Father God Protect AND
Heal In Jesus Name!
Please Be Aware The Yuckies Sell Harmful Processed Products.
Read The Labels
AND Leave It On
The Shelf.
Yuckies Advertise
Those Yucky Products Are Cool. Yet, They ARE
Manufactured ON PURPOSE
To Harm Beautiful Humans AND
Beautiful Animals.
Remember... Yuckies Hate
Father God Creator YHVH.
Yuckies Hate Yeshua Messiah Christ Jesus.
Yuckies Hate You.
Yuckies Hate
You, Yours, Your Animals.
Thank You Father God!
Thank You Jesus! 💕🙏💕🌼
Knowledge IS Power

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

I live a secluded devoted spiritual life, tough to start convo but will comment and repost. not a bot as I’ve been called. AU, plz keep me!!
I 100% agree the WHs took out a major avenue for the evil to traffic children. A few minutes after I heard this that is the thought that came to mind, WE are dismantling their sick operations!!! And the VK clip showing blood coming out of the rail cars is very telling, makes it so obvious in my mind.

VK was also asking leading questions about what was really going on in Ohio.

💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music: revissounds.com
1 John 4:18
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
Yuckies Hate Love.
Yuckies Do Not
Want Us To Love.
Yuckies Always Enjoy Inflicting Divisiveness/Ugly Hateful Words To Keep Us
From Sharing Love
SO They Can Inflict More
I Intentionally
Repeat Their
Intentional Harmful
Nasty Words To
Prohibit Their
Harmful Words
To Gain Platform
Which Gives Them Ground.
"In Jesus Name
Take Ground Never
Relinquish To Yuckies."
Trump June 16, 2015 Announcement
Began My Words To Yuckies.
OUR Father God Creator YHVH Is Love. OUR Saviour Redeemer Christ Jesus Yeshua Messiah Son Of Father God IS Love.
Yeshua Messiah's Teachings And Instructions IS LOVE.
Jesus Rebukes Lucifer.
Jesus Rebukes Kenites.
Jesus Rebukes Evildoers.
Jesus Rebukes Darkness.

MAGA Patriot whose life has been turned upside down in recent days. The support and kindness I get here is incredible. Thanks, frens.
I'd believe anything except the mainstream narrative.

💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music: revissounds.com
Definitely Holy Spirit Peaceful Directive 💕🙏💕🌼
BH Fooked Again.
Please Continue In Jesus Name Non Ceasing Major Prayer Mode. 💕🙏💕🌼
Father God And Jesus
Have "Yuge" Loving Hands
Surrounding His Children With Their Wall Of Protection
Amen. 💕🙏💕🌼
Go Get 'Em
Jesus Almighty Powerful
Name Amen! 💕🙏💕🌼

He will cover you with his feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
The fact that NO MSM or Social Media calls for major rallies or donations, investigations, protests or actions to support affected people (like Ukraine) tells me it’s a forced storyline to get the Deep State caught off guard and to react to something NOT in their script or 4am talking points. They have no idea how to handle news they don’t script/write. Praying this is indeed a rescue cover in progress.


President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE
These were posted May 2020 by the Navy. Deleted soon after.

Ty 🙏 The horrible truth.
What incident are you referencing in 2020?

Prayers for the children and our wonderful military and caregivers.

Where fighter jets where scrambled for the balloons..or or this?
Club-K Container Missile System | Military.com
Club-K Container Missile System is designed for engagement: 1) surface ships of different classes and types -- 2) land and shore-based targets -- The following types of missiles are used in Club-K system: 1) 3M-54KE, 3М-54KE1, Kh-35UE anti-ship missi
If you listen to Juan and Nino's latest, Juan alludes to WH operations in an around about way. He reminds us of the Guatemala center operation. so could be children, could be chemicals headed to somewhere to unleased and stopped and maybe WH burned some sooty trash as a cover. Those K Club missile systems also go inside containers.

I haven't listened to that vid yet
because DNR keeps it on his pay-site for days
until he releases it on Rumble or Bitchute.
unless... do you have a link? 💓
I know that Wilshire Blvd. incident well 😉

Wife of AF vet for almost 25 years, homeschool mom, author. Child of God, patriot. God bless the USA! Love books, chocolate #savethechildren
So there aren't animals dying there? I know the good guys limit the deaths as much as possible, but not sure about the animals and some saying they are getting sick.

Did you ever see the movie
The "government" created a FF
of "noxious gas" to remove people from the area
where Space Ships would be landing.
They put animal carcasses around
to make their story plausible.
This feels an awful lot like that movie
& we know
we're IN & WATCHING Q's movie 🎥
Only followers of this user (@Kat113) can see their posts

When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
Also, always attach the#MURRAY name to the railroads, all of them.#MurrayElectric - The RR Heads since the 1800's - the Murray name always there.

When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
That was my first thought too! I did deep research on the Railroad a few years ago, and yes, the rails were laid over the tunnel lines. Bet you, John Kerry (the Forbes family) in the end, will be in the paperwork of these foundations (as in physical land foundation).
Palestine - PALATINE. The Palatine Immigration here in early 1730's or so, that was a special group of people, good group. Lineages matter here. Ohio/Penn these were your first/near first landowners, also, these were the Protestants who fought the Catholic Church and who really founded Christianity in this country (they rode on horse town to town). Trump, Presley's, many other family names first came here then from the Rhine area. These were also your musical instrument (pianos/violins) makers of the highest quality. They too, original makers of Penn Dutch furniture.

When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins

When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
This has been my life every day, 24/7 since 2012, prior to that to 2002, I did it part time. I can't quit HIM! *God School that He doesn't allow you to leave until you're prayer is answered.
To know the Heart of God & to have a Pure Heart was my childhood prayer (that's a key to all right now). I had no clue what my life would entail due to those 2 wishes. I had to feel what I didn't know, pain. I had to see the bad within the good around me, meaning hearts.
Patterns. Everything is a pattern. Past/present/future is parables/signs/wonders. Same days throughout time used over and over. You learn to know them & their history in detail.
I found the Trump/Presley/Kennedy (#KING DAVID lines) connection when I STOPPED & took a minute for myself doing my lineage. I had to read the entire Trail of Tears, no really, the entire history of America/US & dig for all those "knicknames" my parents used as all had them due to the naming system each ethnic group had per their traditions. 😘

Abraham Lincoln: Let the People Know the TRUTH and the Country is Safe. Love me some MAGA ENERGY!!! 🇱🇷❤️🇺🇸 IFBAP 🇱🇷❤️🇱🇷
I will never LQQK at another train the same way I did 5 minutes ago. 😢

Your families are safe - Q
I believe its all optics. Remember we are playing by cabal rules. Creating illusions to unbrainwash...

Beautiful reminder, Michele, & true.
I remember Gene Decode talking about this
several years ago.
That the Alliance is doing
to preserve life.
They've conducted the entire dismantling
of the demon matrix behind-the-scenes.
Have managed to topple Governments,
Religions, Banks, Leaders, Royals, Bloodlines,
Corporations, Trafficking rings—EVERYTHING
80% covertly.
The Plan To Save The World is MIRACULOUS
& those who are working it—Divine warriors.
So I agree. We are SAFE
as best as QTeam can keep us 🙏💞🕊

Yes! I kept wondering about the meaning of this post for a couple of years. Now, my mind is clearer. Thanks to your smart reminder! God bless!

Makes better sense, Debbie 😉🙏

Patriotic Christian woman. Horse lover. Love President Trump. I live in The Last Best Place.
Very interesting.

Formerly TXSquirrel Patriot @UltraTXSquirrel, but all my info disappeared, so have had to re-do my acct. I stand with God and DJT - WWG1WGA
I think these gals are "spot on".......too many points just don't add up! Would love to get Jim Jordan's thoughts on this!