We thought there would be some epic messaghe during superbowl? We heard that Q said it would look like a puppy show. Can you give us any sort of clarity whats happening?

The Superbowl was a wake for the sheep. Many hidden messages. If you read the drop it says the fun begins after. It will make the SB look like a puppy show. Imeachment trial begins shortly after the superbowl this week. Skipper must stand trial (White Squall). Declas should occur around this time. Not sure if it'll happen in the beginning, middle, or end of the process. So keep your eyes and ears pealed all week.
🙄My sheep are completely asleep still...Something will need to blow up, catch on fire, shock the heck out of them I'm afraid.

I'm a Patriot. I want my sons and grandchildren to grow up in a FREE country. #MAGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN #GODWINS
Some are so brainwashed, they will never wake up.

A registered nurse, a wife, a mother, and a patriot.
that's exactly what I'm thinking about my sheeps.