LooP is confirming Q The Storm Rider

The balloons are NOT Chinese
that is a DS FF cover story.

The balloons are DARPA created
U.S. DS EMP weapons
that are now being seen on 5 continents
& are getting ready to BLACKOUT the world.

This has been predicted for YEARS
& were are here.

Is everyone prepared to stay home
while U.S. Space Force switches the grid
from DS demon dark web / spyware
to Quantum?

💞 Fill up your vehicles with gas
Cash in small bills
Food & Water for your family & pets
Batteries, matches, flashlights...

We are prepared for this.
We are going to be strong while everyone else
loses their heads because they don't know
what has been going on in the last 8 years
since President Trump announced his candidacy
& EVERYTHING changed.

But WE know this is dark > LIGHT time 🎉🌟💫

President Trump ReTruthed an image of himself
selling Popcorn captioned
"Enjoy The Show" 🎥🍿


I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Don't EMPs ruin appliances, cars, etc?
Will we be without electric long? My freezer is packed. No heat too?

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

EMP's destroy anything with an electrical brain - which is pretty much everything in our lives today. An EMP doesn't just knock things out for 10 days and then everything works again, and EMP literally burns and destroys the electrical brains so they will never ever work again - they would have to be replaced, every single one. And appliances, cars, communications, even pacemakers...everything has more than one computer chip in them, some have dozens of them, and each one would need to be replaced. People don't get this. It isn't just shutting down an area for a few days and getting it back up and going again - this is putting us in the dark ages, literally, for decades.

As for your freezer, PLEASE get a canner and learn quickly how to can. Get several hundred canning jars. I homestead, 20 years ago freezer went out, took almost 400 jars to save my meat, and worked 48 hours straight to can it all. I was ready...just in case. Very grateful for that.

I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

I really pray that that is not allowed to occur.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Hope Always888 to her Publication

Me too. I think a nuclear war somewhere in the world would be better than an EMP.

I'm thinking both sides are standing with their chests puffed out like cocky roosters, daring the other on, and both have the ability to do an EMP - but they know the fallout would literally destroy the world completely. Even the WEF wouldn't be able to come out alive with EMPs...

I'm still reeling that people don't understand what an EMP does and is capable of.

I'm reeling the White Hats don't have the ability to
stop an EMP. There seems to be a lot more DS minions causing a lot more havoc and chaos than I would have thought possible at this point in the movie. And speaking of the movie.. Which part is just a movie and which part ceases to be movie and become Real.

Although, is anything Real, if this is all a simulation?

What about everything was dealt with before Q ever dropped his 1st post/crumb.

It seems someone has dropped the ball informing All of Us exactly how this plays out. A Rather important missing piece of the puzzle I'd say.

Thanks for sharing 💫

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

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Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Evangelina to her Publication

Also - if Q knew everything...then why in 2020 when all this went down were the military 'shocked' and overwhelmed with what they found in the tunnels. And that it took a looooong time for them 'clear the tunnels' but anons still keep saying there are more tunnels to clear - or they don't talk about rescuing the children anymore, and no one has any idea if there even were children or not?!?

No proof of that at all, so many played into that scam. Something went down and it took a lot longer than expected...but we have seen nothing about children, millions of children can't be hidden for long. Millions of children can't be cared for in huge areas with military people. Where are these children? I know some anons would say they were whisked into the heavens by aliens - don't think so. I think we were played, big time, to keep us distracted yet again.

Are the white hats actually all that good? They don't give us info, keep us guessing, give no proof of anything. And we believe it? Wh

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Evangelina to her Publication

I also don't think either side can prevent an EMP, but both can cause an EMP.

I have tried for 3 years to warn people to prep, to buy food, to pay attention...my FB has been taken over with info and instruction. I have a large following that I never ever wanted, but people have tried to at least put some supplies and food aside.

I am a Christian and follow the bible closely. One thing - the US is never mentioned in the end times. Why? Wouldn't the US get involved in what happened to Israel, to the middle east? Yes - we would, even idiot Biden would react. But we are not mentioned in the end times, other than the eagle falls...take that in. Easiest way to utterly destroy the US would be an EMP. Quick, fast and utter destruction - huge numbers of people would die because of starvation, and no water, no meds, no anything. Very few would survive, making it easy to invade.

I homestead and prep, for anything, not just an EMP. Do I want to survive at this point??? Not sure...

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...

In response Evangelina to her Publication

I think a lot of anons and patriots think we're in a movie and expect to just be watching it and laughing along the way. Reality is, this isn't a movie - this is real life. Even IF Q 'knew' everything ahead of time, doesn't mean it all went the way it was supposed to. Seems like too many things are happening and then damage control kicks on with the good guys...and the bad guys have tooooo many opportunities to cause harm. How many lives have to be lost before the good guys finally step in? Today there was a young 20-25 yr old lady at the pharmacy, she was so excited to get her 3rd booster...if the good guys were really in control, those vax's would be gone already. Yes - they are no longer mandated, no longer forced, and yes the WHO and others are trying to ramp up C and the vax again...but why are the good guys still allowing this to happen, with all the proof we already have?

This movie has drawn out far too long. It needs to ned, and soon. Too many lives lost.