
🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren
Trey gives some interesting insight about Nimrod in this video. https://youtu.be/N-V0qGW2d6Y

🙏🏻Christ Following 👑Daughter of the King 🎨 Artist 🇺🇸Trump Supporter 🐸 Creek walker👩🏻🦳 Gramma 🌎Global Earther 😘#saveourchildren
Nimrod in the Bible was the great-grandson of Noah through the line of Cush (Genesis 10:8). Nimrod is described as the first of the “mighty men” to appear on the earth after the great flood. Previous to the flood, there had been giants and mighty men on the earth, and “also afterward” (Genesis 6:4). From examination of the biblical texts and other ancient documents, it is clear that Nimrod was one of these mighty men, and there is also evidence that he was much larger than the average man—a giant, so to speak.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
Have you seen this, from cia library?
“One of the bloodlines goes back to Babylon and are descendants from Nimrod.”

Is Our 'Junk' DNA the Remnants of Ancient Race of Giants? - YouTube
What if the ”junk DNA” in our genetic code is not really so useless at all? Evidence suggests that this genetic material may be humanity’s link with an ancie...
..when was this?...nobody have a decent camera on their phone then?....

Trump Follower....WWG1WGA....SAVE THE CHILDREN......Christian...Conservative...
This proves that the Bible is true…Genesis 6:1-2 relates that the fallen angels took mortal wives who bore them offspring who were giants that the Bible refers to as the Nephilim…..these giant offspring were were wicked and violent…..The flood was occasioned by their sinfulness…

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
Always wondered just how that worked….. Giants impregnating normal human women 🤔 and then they bore these larger then normal babies?

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
💭 I see that and I think who are the grey’s!?!
Nephilim: Giants of history or present day greys
This book will not only tell you, who they are, what they are, but will reveal a deception, so beyond belief that your perception of reality will be forever altered!
Every single belief you now hold is the result of a perverted reality designed to keep you in a pitch-black “prison”, of dumb-downed, presence of mind.
There will be no turning back, once you discover the genuine nature of the position in space and time that you presently occupy.
But, you will be armed with the truth. What you choose to do with that fact, is your decision and yours alone. You can choose to ignore it, but you cannot say you were not warned!

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Memory is NOT "Stored" in the Brain. It is ACCESSED through the Heart in Quantum Resonance and Coherence with the Quantum Heart of God that is the Source of our Individual and Collective Consciousness.
The Nervous System/Brain (i.e. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil/Left Hemisphere/Right Hemisphere) is an Antenna that Simultaneously Receives and Transmits the Information that is Holo-Fractally Encoded in Photonic Light

Texas patriot; love my state, country and 4 guys(Hubs, son and 2 furry dudes). God has blessed me.
What is the book called? I searched Nephelim: Giants of History or Present Day Grey's with no luck. TY!

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.

Banned from Twitter on the same day as President Donald J. Trump...A Conspiracy Enthusiast...WWG1WGA Q 17 Trump 19 God bless America! NCSWIC
Yes and Dr Michael Salla and JP in his interviews talks about missions JP has been on to "space arcs" on the earth that are activating and there is a giant in stasis in one next to the one in Florida and they think it will soon awaken! https://youtu.be/YcJqvIPbniQ See for yourself?

There is definitely something with Bloodlines,Giants,Nimrod.
It is a war they looking for someone.

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I remember watching the video 20 years ago in which the military found the tomb.
There were artifacts all along the walls and chamber that were "spells" of sorts to keep Nimrod in there.
All the artifacts were destroyed.
The war on terror was a play on words...
War on Terra (the earth).
They want to/ or have cloned Nimrod and it will be ugly to see what happens.

Blunt to the point of abrasive..I shoot from the hip.. AM directed by the heart .. tempered by the 🧠
He is mentioned in Hillary’s emails= She asked about the location of His stasis chamber= look it up..( 4 real)

"They want to/ or have cloned Nimrod and it will be ugly to see what happens."
Is thisThe Sleeping Giant?
The False Prophet?