one world undivided with liberty and justice for all https://twitter.com/verndewd https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UnlManuURgPw/
what ive been saying for years.

Wonderful. Does anyone know who this is speaking?

Dark To Light 🌍Make Earth Great Again🌎 WWG1WGA 💫 Faith. Hope. And Love✨The best is yet to come 🙏
So wonderful 😍🙏🏻❣️

I am an Ultra-Maga Air Force Veteran , 100% Trump Supporter. Been following Q from day one, never gave up, and never will! MARRIED!
Love this and while some will think this sounds like New Age occultism it most certainly is not, New Age is boxed in thinking hive minded neutral thinking never going the next step to FREE THINKING.
In the Occulted mindset we are told to think a certain way in order to result in a certain path forward but never reaching that result its a trap our lives are held in always reaching for more power, more money, more sex, more, more, more but we miss the point of having these things if we are not in full control of them.
What he's teaching here is 100% being in full control of OUR IMAGINATIONS which was designed by our creator to be able to walk with him in the Garden the shadow of darkness has dulled our perceptions of His will for us....
Why? Because we willingly gave our power to those who did not have power so they could PRETEND to lord over us but we should be the one's in control not them!💥
🔥Dark is not equal to light that's the lie, Light RULES darkness we have it backwar

Retired business owner, cared about my employees grocery bills everyday.
I have been so gratefully experiencing this in my life, to be close to God whose love is all energy and to know that we can co-create with this divine living being is a blessing and the greatest gift to humanity when one becomes aware. Thank you for sharing.

1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary
It is nice to have validation of one's work since 2020 TF Union I had in Dec.
This TF journey included with my own self union at the end of July/early Auguts 2020...
Inspired by God and my team, to create these memes to help others and remind them...
I am in tears for such a beautiful video to back up my journey!!! TY!!!
I had good friends tell me to stop posting, I even had my TF who told me to rurn down/turn off the spark. I am so glad I chose to listen to God!!!
(I still have more to upload, but that is over 500 of them, and that is not even the Q & Trump journey memes I have made, those will be coming soon)
560 Ascension Journey ideas in 2023 | kris williams, ascension, journey
Jan 29, 2023 - by Kris Williams. See more ideas about kris williams, ascension, journey.
thoughts -> feelings -> actions -> results. When you change your thoughts, you'll change your life.

We are ONE. Family is everything. Mom of 3 amazing girls, wife of 1 handsome and loving husband
Thank you for posting this. WOW! have been praying for answers, sometimes I need ideas/truths to be presented in a few different ways before I can digest. This was like going to church this morning, a sermon that really gets to the heart of how WE can change the world!
God bless you!💗🙏💗

#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your dreams...live the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸
You’re very welcome. This touched me in a similar way. 🙏