Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
We are only days away from seeing the specialist. We are pretty short on our funds. Need a minimum of $500 more. SIGH! Diamond almost died from a very serious infection that was ravaging throughout her body. She became SEPTIC. This was in August. After many many many tests, so far no clue what this is. So we MUST see this Specialist to get answers. Any help is truly appreciated for my girl. She is fighting hard to survive this. Any and all donations would be a God Send. We must finish this. Please pray, share, and donate if you can. Love you all!! https://www.givesendgo.com/G9CET

Have you had her teeth checked for any abscesses? ššš

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
i have looked, 2 vets glanced...but that is ON THE LIST to ask the specialist. I think they are ok..she DOES have alot of missing teeth cause they are not good..but i dont see a thing in there. What she has left look ok. no swelling or redness anywhere. The teeth and ear was my thoughts...but i see nothing. BUT i will have them double check. IF they sedate her, it will be easier to look. she hates her mouth messed with.

PV, I left all this for Vincent last night. And then look over the posts to TxGirl in the second link. It could make a difference in less than a day, especially if she is septic. Please review asap & ask any questions...
You should know everything about it with those two things. If you can't afford the $26, I may be able to help. I'm on SSI & a broken neck atm, but I can squeeze if it'll save her. ClO2 has saved MILLIONS of human lives, some of them within hours. Because of its effect on pathogens in ANY lifeform, I'm convinced it'll help your girl.
Keep me posted. Ask questions as needed...
Vincent Kennedyā on AnonUp.com
Actually wanted to post this on AU and got it mixed up with twitter.
Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
She has been on CDS/MMS for 4 months

Yea. Sorry. Moving very quickly because of all the people dying now; I should have reviewed the thread but we're literally trying to save lives of the kids with what they've been doing. How are you using the CDS & what specific product? Some people don't realize that the most powerful form is the combining of the NaCl2 + acid each time you prepare it. They're buying hellacious-priced bottles of CDS which, AFAIK, are a tiny fraction of the valence-stripping ability of the made-each-time version of the CDS. It's all explained in the gallery I left for Vincent & TxGirl.
f need be, I can give a cell number (not here; we'll have to figure some way to get it to each other in email or something) and I'll do all I can to walk you through making the at home bottles, which are what the $26 refers to. I'm attaching again those two products here with their price in Apr last. Add tax & it's about $26 & will last from 4 to 12 months, depending on your use of it.
Does that help a bit? I
They do NOT recommend using Citric acid.. Only the Hydrochloric Acid which is Part B. I use MMS..by KV Labs...I add Part A into her water....25 drops per gallon. Only Part A is recommended for pets. i HAVE activated the drops when she was very sick and syringed 10 ml into her mouth every couple hours. have yet to see it work for her.