Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
Update on Twitter status - I'm category/option 1
Years Back 2015-2016,
A friend and I were discussing the
Facebook, YT beginning "daze"
OF the home base censoring in various ways.
He, The Real Scientist suggested...
When, p,os,tin,g, s,ome,the,in,g, I,m,Po,r,ta,n,t...TO hide from algorithm manipulations...
Use, "co,m,mas" to confuse algorithms. Now a "daze" it's called AI. SO to confuse the very AI that we feed with our every keystroke... Inflections...
TO Confuse "AI Karen"...We use inflections instead of continuous keystrokes that the computer actually learned from our typing and finishes our words for us.
... Make sense?
If I Had An Account With YT...
The To,pi,c W,ou,ld Hav,e M,a,ny "Breaks" In The Wo,rd,s To
D,is,co,u,ra,g,e "AI" Fro,m S,hut,ti,ng The Vid,e,o, Down.
He, A,ls,o, s,ai,d, E,spe,ci,al,l,y a,fte,r "e".
I was getting banned on FB and that is why the he made suggestions.
Shortly thereafter, I quit talking on FB and only used it for tracking Musicians.