👀Russian nuke ship is off the US coast😨

In response Maria. Liv. to her Publication

actually, they're off our coast all the time

Ok not sure if you mean the big one with the terrible nuke missiles that are crazy. But very strange, but after Germany today has declared war on Russia and says the whole of Europe is joining, hmm I think that event is just around the corner.

In response Joyce Williams to her Publication

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In response Maria. Liv. to her Publication

Meant they (R) have had subs doing maneuvers off our coast since the 50's. They're doing data collection grabs. We do the same to them. As for the nuke one recently? Not shocked. We're closer than we've ever been to something huge.

Anyone even think of all the nuke areas we have here on our soil that could be targeted? It's extremely unnerving. Pray, pray and then more prayers.