Woman of God, believe in common sense, love the USA, and also PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!
love the picture, the colors, the message, thank you!

I listen to ONLY God and I follow JESUS! That is my only TRUTH--I do not allow the voice of MAN/WOMAN to derail me from getting my family to safety! They can parQ to enjoy their popcorn, they can laugh, but at the end of the day, they know through Project Looking Glass that they are only Biden time...the feed will be live soon again, but the world need silence--no music, no sound to hear my teachings...rig for red in silence---call me on the ET line-gonna plug it back up as soon as I find my real cell phone--it is hidden around here somewhere-as soon as God wants me to see it, it will appear... I love you sistar of Christ Consciousness! You are not alone. I fly above most days and rarely read my feed. Have a blessing from our souls/hearts to you! We need you to know we can feel you and you are one of our angels of light--wear your badge loud and proud. If you need to fight back with frequency, show me here! Release anything no longer serving your higher purpose...I have this for you!