Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
Everybody want to be a wolf, until it is time to do wolf shit...
Stand up, mofos!

I fkn live it, bet. GOD BLESS ALL YOU AWESOME patriots, you did NOT disappoint, and the beauty is REAL PATRIOTS don't give a fk bout disappointing this bs system, which makes them all even more bad ass.

SO amazing ALL the ones GOD created for "such a time as this" to kick satans ass in if it had one.

To be young again

Fitty three and will still punch a mofo if need be, feel like I am twenty, FK ALL DS> WE WIN> We aren't older so much as fkn defined.

There is a reason, folks still seek the "older arrowheads" we win.