Until you are broken, you don't know what you're made of, it gives you the ability to build yourself all over again, but this time around even better and stronger than ever.
Strong people are not the ones that do not cry. A strong person is one who goes quiet and sheds tears for a moment, trusts God and has faith for better days, rises and picks up his or her sword to fight again. 🖤🤍

People often tell me I could be a great man. I’d rather be a good man. John F. Kennedy Jr.

Break free of the illusion. We are Light! 🌟 Time to soar! 🎶❤💫 Pro: men & women with souls. Unity & peace among us.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
No need to trust God=subjective term.
"Trust in self"
We are energy, connected to some sort of source energy, nature, magnetism, life force, golden ratio is the design, keys to life force, zero-point.
The term god does not do anyone justice as its not a fact, there is zero evidence for what god is.
We are energy and apart of what many may perceive god to be, essentially a collective conscious, life force energy.
A soul having human experience, to experience self in a human body (Meat suit) for growth, experience, adventure, fun, much more.

He will cover you with his feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4

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My dad is doing much better, 30 min after my most recent prayer request for him, he went from not being able to move much or get out of bed to popping up getting in the kitchen and making something yummy to eat. Prayer is powerful! My man is doing well he contends with aches and pains daily but take is all in stride, he's tough! I pray for him nearly everyday so he can feel comfort. 🙏