I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
I do moon photography and sorry but that is not a new moon, that is a blood moon, a lunar eclipse moon, inside the shadow planet Earth casts into space, a moon that is passing through that shadow area, on the full moon day. All his moon pics are different phases of a lunar eclipse. Camera has to adjust when the brightness of the moon diminishes and returns in different moments of a total eclipse. Today is new moon, no lunar eclipse possible, but it's a "super moon", the moon is very close to Earth today. (perigee moon)
“Planet” you say?

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
planet Earth, whatever shape people say it to be, casts a shadow at sunset that can be seen in the atmospere, it moves up when Sun moves down. Usually Moon passes above or below that shadow in black space so most full moons do not have lunar eclipse, sometimes it passes partially through the shadow and some times it passes completely through the shadow. Lots of people observe these passings with excellent telescopes at their backyards. Half the folks here need to join an astronomy club to get to watch and see details of Moon with their own eyes before believing any theory about anything. Observing every little detail first and then making conclusions. Not videos, not pictures, but the only sky we have outside and is there every night. We need collective time travel to the era before electric lights to realize what's real and how everything in the sky moves. Then we can research it based on observations. Now we research based on TikTok videos that don't even say date/location. 🙄🤦🏼♀️