1-21-23 American Patriot
A global network for the transmission of asset-backed money.
Replaces the bloodline SWIFT System
& is independent of the centralized structure.
backed by assets.
QFS will issue a digital # to every $, €, ¥, etc.
& monitor it in real time.
The physical GPS position between transmitter & receiver
will be configured to guarantee impenetrable security.
You’ll know WHERE it went
WHEN it was transferred
WHO provided it with your login details
& WHICH account got it.
😼 It’s been verified by a Patriot who works with the QFS team
that the new Global currency
will not only be backed by Gold or Precious Metals
but also Diamonds, Land, Oil, etc.
TANGIBLE assets.
We won't need a bank. Just a Q-phone.
There has lately been much discussion about
XRP, XLM & crypto wallets.
I thought it would be helpful to post Ron Giles’ explanation
of Gold-backed 💰
I have asked this question before and would like to know what happens if our Q phone is lost or broken? How will we access our funds? How long before we will have a replacement?