#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
There was no way of telling people not to take the vax during a pandemic. Most of us including myself have been taking vax due to our parents being in a slumber. Trump was in a no win situation. Biden distributed vax. Now there are some theories where vax was swapped for the death shot. We were born with free will. No matter what there will always be people supporting vax no matter injuries/death. People i know already buying into climate BS. We were told not everything going to be clean and the ending wont be for everyone. As much i questioned and part of my awakening years ago i still pray to God, when the day finally comes to give me the strength to overcome. Be thankful we are finding out in drips instead of flood. Movement is to save humanity