Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...
Oh no...poor Greta, getting arrested yet again!
But look in the comments for the photo op video that shows she's playing along, it was a photo op only, and she was never arrested.
She's a piece of garbage being pushed around by Soros. She played on people's emotions, and she's still trying to be used to do the same. It's not working anymore... I felt bad for her as a teen being used by her parents and Soros, but she's an adult now and should be making better choices.
See video: https://twitter.com/search?q=greta%20video&src=typed_query&fbclid=IwAR1tUCZLadqPbVCjA3C50SGzWrHltGEZrtk-xsiYVvSqs4o35UWK7IFmxrQ
she's probably supporting her parents