Do you happen to know who this is? And how one might get more of her info? I'm not on TikTok but maybe there's another way to connect w her?? Some other channel she has perhaps? I've been using it for a long time but would love to know more of what she's learned.
what is YOUR protocol?
aka how do u do it
I'm not sure if you were directing that question to me or to the original poster. I use 1/8 teaspoon daily--doesn't taste bad. I usually put it in a little homemade yogurt. Do you use it yourself? If so, what is your approach? I also learned it decalcifies the pineal gland which is the main reason I began using it (our third eye gland--responsible for what we see w eyes closed--daydreams, nighttime dreams, visions, etc. Pineal gland actually has rods and cones like our eyes. Fluoride causes calcification of pineal gland. It's also an ingredient in Prozac which many people take--has a very strong psychologically numbing effect and likely why it is in water. Is it any wonder that there are so many "asleep" people in our nation/world?? Hope this isn't TMI.