How to Set Right Priorities - In Touch Ministries - Charles Stanley
What actions are you taking to live out what you believe?
2 Corinthians 11:2-3
The Scriptures contain many cautionary examples of people who had misplaced priorities. This should give every believer pause: Take a moment to consider the importance of taking captive wrong thoughts and desires that could lead away from “sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3).
For good purposes or bad, we usually set priorities in one of three ways: by evaluating which things are most important to us; by letting people or circumstances influence what we value; or by drifting into habits and thought patterns that become a way of life. But no matter how we determine priorities, they’ll be misplaced unless we take into account how God wants us to live and what’s most important to Him.
In order to remain steadfast for Christ we must prioritize deliberately, or we will miss the mark. Those things of greatest impor

Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me be more like you.