O Bloods are ET's!
-The O Blood Group is Extra Terrestrial.
-A, B, AB Blood Groups are physically Indigenous to Earth.
-The O Blood Group was physically brought here by the Anunnaki from Sirius B.
-The D Protein was engineered by the Anunnaki to make Earth Humans compatible with Anunnaki People for Hybridization.
-85% of the World has the D Protein (+D).
-15% of the World has the D Protein absent (-D).
-D Protein is the same thing as Rh/Rhesus.
-Rh negative = no D Protein (same thing).
-D Protein makes Meditation, Peace & Unity more difficult (85% of the World).
-O-, O+ Blood Bodies are more capable of accepting Souls from Higher Densities.
I respectfully disagree! Its the D protein that would matter! The other blood groups lack like the D protein too! 85 % of the world is positive! This includes O +, A +, B+ and AB+! O positive is the most common blood type!
The 15% is the D negative blood groups! These include O-, A-, B- and AB-. Negative blood types can only recieve negative blood. O negative is ths universal giver, but can only recieve O- blood! And there are rarer types!
Fun fact: Mothers who are negative can make antibodies to postive babies blood! (regect baby if positive) Blood type used to be on marriage certificates! Its pretty simple genenetics, but dont worry they got a vaccine for that🙄!
So, to your theory...maybe the negative blood types came from them or even the O negative?
Anyway, I come from a family with lots of negative! Seems we are naturally attracted to each other! Just tested 10 of us at Christmas, lol!
My understanding (not that it would be much) is that the rhesus negative blood is the exception. This happens only with humans and rhesus monkeys, no other known species that has that.
That's the point when I started to wonder about the European nobility cousin marriages.