O Bloods are ET's!
-The O Blood Group is Extra Terrestrial.
-A, B, AB Blood Groups are physically Indigenous to Earth.
-The O Blood Group was physically brought here by the Anunnaki from Sirius B.
-The D Protein was engineered by the Anunnaki to make Earth Humans compatible with Anunnaki People for Hybridization.
-85% of the World has the D Protein (+D).
-15% of the World has the D Protein absent (-D).
-D Protein is the same thing as Rh/Rhesus.
-Rh negative = no D Protein (same thing).
-D Protein makes Meditation, Peace & Unity more difficult (85% of the World).
-O-, O+ Blood Bodies are more capable of accepting Souls from Higher Densities.
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
ab- here
Who really knows the truth of anything, with the medical field so demonic.
They lie cheat and steal.
They so lie about everything! AB negative is actually the rarest blood type!