the difficulty of a silent war is the silent wounds that go unnoticed in yourself. Trauma from years of gaslighting to your face and being the sane person in a room full of crazy people convinced they’re sane cannot be ignored.
Battle scars are real, even if there aren’t injured limbs. Don’t discount what’s called PTSD in veterans, and how it can manifest itself from psychological war.
Don’t ignore what you feel - we are all needed. Remember your value, ask for help when you need it, and don’t fear anything, because WE Win

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
Shadow Work has become more popularized over the past few years & with it, many distortions & over-simplifications.
Anyone who claims to have no triggers, no projections (positively or negatively), and says he/she is "done with shadow work" is lying to him/herself.
It would be the same to claim that one is fully Self-realized and enlightened.
You can also waste years & decades of just intellectualizing the process of shadow work without progressing one bit. I've fallen into this trap for a few years in the beginning.
Shadow Work needs to happen somatically on all levels, for the body stores everything.
Most of all, before applying and doing shadow work correctly - which can be very uncomfortable, messy, and painful at first - one needs to know HOW to do it and WHAT it implies.
Embodied Shadow Work & The Path Of Individuation
An introductory Masterclass on Somatic Shadow Work and the Process of Individuation with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue
https://veilofrealitycourses.thinkific.com/courses/embodied-shadow-workThank you for this information, I will be looking at it today, appreciate it.💗