the difficulty of a silent war is the silent wounds that go unnoticed in yourself. Trauma from years of gaslighting to your face and being the sane person in a room full of crazy people convinced they’re sane cannot be ignored.
Battle scars are real, even if there aren’t injured limbs. Don’t discount what’s called PTSD in veterans, and how it can manifest itself from psychological war.
Don’t ignore what you feel - we are all needed. Remember your value, ask for help when you need it, and don’t fear anything, because WE Win

Patriot. MAGA Momma. I just want Honesty in politics not to be an oxymoron & criminals prosecuted. Happily married to The One.
I've had this talk with a few awake friends just recently. They don't understand why they can't or don't want to do xyz or talk to abc.
I've had to tell them its PTSD.
Its tough to act "normal" within the world when you've been threatened to be killed in parking lots, had cops called on you for NOT breaking laws, told you're the reason grandma will die & shunned from life long criends/family.
My own best friend of 30+ years quit talking to me. I kept remembering her bday or her kids bdays, kept sending Christmas gifts & friendly texts. She now says she misses me & wants to do lunch. They'll come around if its a relationship that's needed.
We'll get through this with each other. We all get it on some level.
. ❤️