she is real. but sheep-dipped. a spook. and petraeus is basically one too. a deep stater and card carrying member of the war party.
Chiwaukee....Farmer, Construction, Dump Trucking, in that order. Blue Collar at its finest. I went to College, what a waste of money!
I read around that same time that she wasn't actually his mistress but that she was installed as cover because he got caught trying to run cover for Benghazi. This took the heat off Obama & Hilldawg since Petraeus was able to step down in shame over his "affair." No prosecution, nothing. Then, if you remember, it kept up in the news cycle since the Smith Mundt repeal hadn't been in effect yet...
They called in another fake, Jill Kelly
Petraeus Affair: Who Is Jill Kelley? - ABC News
The Florida woman whose report of harassing emails from Paula Broadwell ultimately led to the resignation of CIA director Gen. David Petraeus may be a "nice, rich, bored socialite," as one U.S. official described her, but she also pursued close ties to top military and intelligence officia.. ,PROTECTOR ,DEFENDER OF THE INNOCENCE STOLEN AMEN #GODWINSALWAYS
Thank you for sharing this 🙏