I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
We Are HERE to Become Love in Human Form
βThe Earth Knew ONE CREATOR, ONE LOVER, ONE THINKER, ONE SONG. Yet that Song broke into a Multitudinous Chorus as the Waves of Creative Love Surged Out from the Center of my Being and Splashed into New Civilizations and New Societies of Harmonious Human Interaction. Each Individual Human Being Knew Him or Herself as the Same "I", the Same SELF, the Creator I AM. So it came to pass that I was One and yet I was Eleven Billion. My Intelligence was Everywhere as my LOVE Created. All Understood. All Shared in the SAME BEING, the same Moment. All Were Present in the PRESENCE OF GOD." -Ken Carey, VISION: A Personal Call to Create a New World.