All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
LOL Just saw I was blocked again.ππMust be doing something right. And gives me a good laugh. ;)
Just for your info:
This account does not pretend to be "anyone."
This account does not believe JFK (Sr.) is still alive.
This account does not believe that certain people out there are Jr., Carolyn, Patrick or Arabella, etc. (But does believe some are pretending to be them.)
But this account does indeed believe that there's a very, very good possibility that Jr. & Carolyn are still alive here. (& if not, they are very much alive up in Heaven.)
If any of that offends you, and you just can't be tolerant & respectful of those views and want to argue, then maybe this page isn't for you.
However, I do believe we can all have different opinions and still get along and enjoy the Kennedy content. You are more than welcome to stay, but your choice and will respect that. No drama, no drama, no drama... LOL.
Just a friendly message on a Sunday night. ;) Let's have fun!

All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
Sheesh. After sharing the above post ... I actually blocked a "new" follower. A good source told me it was the same person, with a new account, that I had blocked (for good reason) a couple months ago. The one who takes content from this page back to her FB page to make it seem like she's Carolyn Bessette Kennedy (but who now makes that material private for her followers there only). Just speechless... Poor soul. But I want no part of the deception. (Yes, folks there really believe it's the real Carolyn.) And this is the kind of "drama" I detest. Don't pull me into your game of lies. Just want to be transparent here. Keep your eyes open for deceivers and be careful who you follow. I really just want this to be a fun and informative space. Is that too much to ask? I don't know...
An image of how I feel... ;)

SomethingAboutJohn, I have a question. Are we allowed to copy pictures you post and put them on our FB pages? Just the pictures? I've done that- just the pictures but never your words. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong.

All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
Absolutely, Ellen!π What I have a problem with, with that person who shall remain nameless (not trying to hurt or "out" anyone), is that they were taking content, the whole enchilada, pics and words, sometimes which included lots of research, and making it their own, as if they were saying it -- and not just "making it THEIR own," but making it seem as if it came from Carolyn B. Kennedy. That's what makes me livid. And people are falling for it. Yes, plagiarism makes me livid too, but to actually use material from this page to deceive poor souls on her FB page is sickening and I don't want to be a part of it, even indirectly. That chick has some problems... Prayers for her mental health. But no more. That's why this page, for now anyway, is private. Am accepting no newly created accounts (2 requests have come through that seem like she's trying again, but not sure, so am being cautious). Just established accounts. Longwinded answer, but, yes, feel free to share the pics, friend!

Thank you so much! I understand what happened, thanks for explaining it. I think I missed a few of your prior statements about this. :-) We appreciate your research so so so so much! Thank you for what you do, it is always one of the highlights of my day.
You're welcome, and you are so sweet!! God bless!πππ