So my job now is requiring masks again because "covid spikes in my area". Pondering on qutting now. Sad part us i really like my job...but now this

Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
Is it a Corporation? Does the local Council or State demand masks ? This absolutely incenses me! 😡
Start dropping articles from Natural Health News , and other Studies about masks in the restrooms and otherpublic areas.
There is also an article of the use of masking slaves that you could include. Also articles about the effect of masks on the environment and how billions of masks are effecting the ecosystem and ‘climate change’

It's a ross in Alabama. All rules are followed to a T here. I talked to store manager about it but she says her hands are tied.