GEORGENEWS Telegram - 2:16pm Eastern
⚡️On this sacred day, of January 6th, the day millions of Americans tried to protest the rigged election but their own FBI infiltrated, incited violence, and blamed them for it—the illegitimate "POTUS", signs over another 2.85 Billion USD (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/01/06/memorandum-on-delegation-of-authority-under-section-506a1-of-the-foreign-assistance-act-of-1961-8/) to Ukraine under the FAA.
*2 pics
So, am I right in thinking they are using this, asset stripping the military tactic, instead of the spending bill (which will probably not get passed with the new congress), to continue to fund their money laundering?