I went quiet on you guys, I walled off and shut you out and for that I'm sorry. 😔 I convinced myself no one cares anyways. I have struggled for a long time now with PTSD, anxiety and depression. You wouldn't even know it because I hide it so well 😅 I have lied and said I'm happy when I'm not so I didn't have to feel isolated. It's a constant internal battle to be honest about when I'm in pain because in the past it's been met with abandonment. I learned to perform so I wouldn't be alone. Even if I was in anguish inside you'd never know on the outside because I bury it. Even now as I type this I can feel that same fear that people will stop talking to me because I'm not posting only good things. I'm sorry I'm so fearful about sharing my negative emotions.

Hi Serah
I saw your post, noted the time 2:11, wrote a reply which vanished when my pad lost power😠 so looked up the angel message & saw exactly my intent for you😍 Please take what resonates for you!
If I’ve learned one thing thru this journey, YOU are Enough, I am Enough, WE are Enough!
Much Love to you❤️
5 Signs Why You Are Seeing 211 – The Meaning Of 211 - Numerology Nation
If you're seeing 211 everywhere you look, celestial beings could be trying to communicate with you. Find out the meaning of angel number 211 here.
Thank you for taking the time to find and share this with me, there's alot in there that resonates, I appreciate you! 😊🙏🤍