😼 Damar Hamlin, Buffalo Bill......
What in the world?
Whose movie are we watching?
Satanic ritual?
🍿 Nancy Drew
The ambulance not only has no markings,
no emergency lights,
but the back is empty, as well.
Even the lady kneeling is sporting the hand symbolism.
While it may have brought people together,
something much deeper is going on here.
Do not be fooled,
they’re all part of the club.
The truth is hard to swallow, but necessary.

RN. Grateful. TEAM Q. PATRIOT. Vintage clothing and antique aficionado.

BRILLIANT posts & links, Cynthia.
Ty for taking the time 🙏🇺🇸
Long time ago. Who took over after Rudy busted up the mob? The politicians, cops and judges? https://themobmuseum.org/notable_names/rudolph-giuliani/
Rudolph Giuliani - The Mob Museum
In 1989, when Rudolph Giuliani stepped down after six years as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, he was perhaps the most famous law enforcement official in the United States.