😼 Damar Hamlin, Buffalo Bill......
What in the world?
Whose movie are we watching?
Satanic ritual?
🍿 Nancy Drew
The ambulance not only has no markings,
no emergency lights,
but the back is empty, as well.
Even the lady kneeling is sporting the hand symbolism.
While it may have brought people together,
something much deeper is going on here.
Do not be fooled,
they’re all part of the club.
The truth is hard to swallow, but necessary.

“One cannot love without suffering, or suffer without loving.” Saint Gianna Molla
Great post! I was just trying to tell my half asleep husband that I thought it was a psyop, couldn't tell him yesterday. He's not read y to hear it today! As soon as I saw#33 standing by himself, my soul jumped! Then the picture of#17 standing with his hands on his face, welllllll...... They will stop at nothing!

Bless you, Christy, for hanging in there with your husband.
Some of us awaken more slowly than others.
I remember being told about the children & D.U.M.B.S
& Getty Museum 25 years ago & I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT!!
It was IMPOSSIBLE for me to fathom.
No way! I used to live in L.A. & drove by the Getty often.
I couldn't fathom it
that there was a demon city underneath the museum.
It took me some more years of digging to accept that truth.
Then I couldn't BELIEVE Michelle Obama was a man.
But once I understood that the demons
the other truths & the matrix picture came more easily.
Good on you for your patience with your other half! 🙏😻
Please pray for both of us, married 40 years, and even though he does believe some things, he's completely closed off to others, i.e. NASA, and the NFL will be hard for him to swallow. Sometimes I want to grab his head and start screwing it on! hahahahaha. Thank you!