God first. American Patriot. Liberty and Justice for all. Serious words I believe in. I Peter 5:6-7 Cast your cares on Him.

Stay at home mum Kiwi in rural Australia Loves the truth, love folling Trump, youngest is learning about USA history.
can i ask which site was this on lol, i got booted from twatter,

God first. American Patriot. Liberty and Justice for all. Serious words I believe in. I Peter 5:6-7 Cast your cares on Him.
Telegram. it's amazing
I started using Telegram yesterday and cant figure out how to find chats.

God first. American Patriot. Liberty and Justice for all. Serious words I believe in. I Peter 5:6-7 Cast your cares on Him.
Type in the search bar and wait for it to populate what you want and then join. I follow Lin Wood, We the Media and it has a news site and chat. Sorry for the late reply