We should cut back on pre-shredded cheese and Make America 'Grate' Again.
What is a Bank? (2 Pics - includes VK post)
what about taxes , asking for a friend

A lot of other countries are going to a blockchain based tax system with some sort of transactional tax (sales) where remittances are sent directly to the Treasury. I imagine they can perform real time audits this way as well. Also imagine that the 15% minimum corporate sales tax is part of the new tax system.

We should cut back on pre-shredded cheese and Make America 'Grate' Again.
Yeah ive heard the 15% flat tax mentioned alot. Nigeria's economy uses alot of Bitcoin now too. Word on the street is there will be some sort of tax coin u convert to in order to pay your taxes to the government. Im sure theyll find the easiet route for ppl to pay taxes with tho. Ppl will pretty much accept anything for convenience.

We should cut back on pre-shredded cheese and Make America 'Grate' Again.
Im hearing flat tax on new purchased items only. So no or little income tax and no tax on used cars etc. Its all just speculation at this point tho. VK said is will be like NESRA in some ways. Will likely be hectic in the near future tho. Only time will tell.

Finger 🤞🏼 crossed , where I live we pay RAIN TAX , yes a tax on rain 🤡🤯when will it ever stop . Im praying soon . they are now talking about taxing every vehicle yearly to park in our own driveway. mind you I own my home