‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines - Rasmussen Reports®
Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.
a truth purveyor. a new day is dawning. truth is rising. evil is falling.
some one could do a poll here on anonup ?
Q: How many do you know who died post jab
1. 0
2. 1-3
3. 4-7
4. 8+
another poll:
Q: How many do you know who were injured by the jab
1. 0
2. 1-3
3. 4-7
4. 8+
another poll:
Q: How many do you know who died in the hospital with/from "covid" who were given Remdesivir/Vented
1. 0
2. 1-3
3. 4-7
4. 8+
another poll
Q How many do you know who were infected with/from "covid" from 2019-2022.
1. 0
3. 4-7
4. 8+

Descendant of Martha Washington & Gen Custer's sister. Comm Artist. Happily Married 44 years!! America, Bless God!!!
You should add another, How many do you know that received the Covid protocol, including RunDeathIsNear, Fentanyl, Ventilator without informed consent??