Vekhen Vekhen@vekhen
17 seconds ago
Armenian Christmas is on January 6th. Armenian was the 1st Christian nation and has been persucuted ever since.
Theophany is a Feastday of the Orthodox Church. We “celebrate” this with services followed by the “blessing of the waters” where Priests bless water to turn it into Holy Water. Theophany is the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. This happens on 1/6 (in our Parish).
On 1/1 we celebrate the Feast known as “Circuncision of the Lord” which is always 8 days after Christmas (we’re “new calendar”).
For Theophany our Parish always blesses a river that flows directly from a glacier and ends up miles away in a large bay. I have witnessed some incredible things happen at these services.
Just thought I needed to tell you…I’ve always admired you for your positivity and graciousness to everyone throughout this journey!
Mother. Wife. Patriot. 🙏🏼⚜️🦌💗🇺🇸#Frensandfamilyareeverything #BlueGreenTeam💙🐸