Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Parler is suing Amazon to force it to continue offering service against its will. Would you want to continue giving Amazon money at that point? I don't really understand companies which sue other companies in order to force them into an unwanted business relationship when the unwilling party wishes the destruction of the other. Business relationships are supposed to be both voluntary and mutually beneficial, so why attempt to force another company into taking your company's money when it is plotting the demise of yours?
Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Back when conservatives were more gutsy, they used to argue against the Civil Rights Act, which forced businesses to serve all races. The argument was (in part): Why would you want to continue giving the racist store owner your money anyway, if you were a black man? The Civil Rights Act forced store owners to serve everyone, but should you even want to patronize someone who inherently hates you? I wouldn't want to support (with my purchases) a black-owned business if I knew that the owner hated my race, for example. That happens, by the way.
I agree. why would anyone want to go where they are not wanted?? me personally? i do not! there are places i have walked into that i could tell i was not wanted, so i nicely went the other way. i didnt not go to my local news channel or paper to "get attention" like many do. why? because it is their right to not like me or want me in their establishment. This is the real world! not everyone you meet will like you. Kinda like kindergarten.. not every kid "clicks". Surround yourself with likeminded folks and move forward. Adult toddlers are not as cute as legit toddlers😂