Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
😡Some people on this thread have no idea what's going on. YES A MOVIE. Most everything you are seeing and hearing is nothing but white hats throwing crap out there....its ridiculous really. Thats not gonna wake people up. Zelensky is even an actor in this game. The people fighting in war are the nazi's. Zelensky left there when they started the fighting over there. We all know BIDEN ain't Biden. the whole damn admin is nothing but actors. Tucker is even apart of this. and many others. Congress also. I believe SCOTUS is even in on this. BTW, I am DONE with this movie/game. I ain't playing anymore. not listening to none of them. not even Trump its all for show. IN FACT I am pretty damn pissed at the white hats for allowing this to drag out like this. People losing everything they own..including their lives. Fuck them all. DONE..JUST DONE! I am stepping away from all of it. Oh and first its 2021..it all changes..then 2022 and now 2023 supposed to be. And VK now is saying he isnt sure.SMH

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters
😁I feel like this too once in a while.
I read Real Raw News as a pick me up🙃 Nancy's hanging gave me a skip in my step this week.
You’re delusional

I trust NOTHING coming from RRN.

I trust NOTHING coming from RRN.

I trust NOTHING coming from RRN.

I trust NOTHING coming from RRN.

I trust NOTHING coming from RRN.

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters
😁I love me