Never underestimate the value of an honest innocent hug. Not a drive by hugging, but one lasting a minute or more.
My daughter was clingy at a baby/toddler and is now my closest ally at 28 years of age. I raised my best friend!

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America
I believe my ex was a victim of MKUltra
He was two different people. One person was amazing, kind, & tenderhearted. The other was a right bastard. Evil drug addict.
He spent several weeks in a psych hospital in the 80s, cut off from family. He has become bitter over that incident. Before that he was only using pot occassionaly with his friends (he was 15). After he used regularly and then went to crack cocaine.
His mother refuses to believe he was brainwashed. I am convinced.

New arrival from Twitter. Married to @genmuse. Without election integrity, democracy is an illusion. Patriot Party. TrumpX3 2024