Christian Patriot sharing Red Pills, The truth shall set you Free!!
Look at usdebtclock.org silver price, suspicious
This is what it should be in FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, just based on inflation of FRN'S.
I've wondered for a long time why a Silver American Eagle has a $1 face value & Gold American Eagle $50 face value...
I think I understand the reason now.
That is the value in US TREASURY DOLLARS.
When we reset the financial system, our US Dollar will be worth 1 ounce of Silver & $50 US dollars will be worth 1 ounce of Gold.
So an ounce of Silver may cost $400 or $1,000 FRN's but only $1 US Dollar. That's how we will make the transition back to Constitutional money.

Christian Patriot sharing Red Pills, The truth shall set you Free!!