We just had a birthday cake for Baby Jesus for lunch!

WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9
Now we need people to accept the fact they were also lied about jesus also. The real jesus has been removed from history and replaced with some freaking gay dude. This one is hard for people to let go off. But i digress
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God fearing Patriot.Fed up with the insanity!MI lets get together.Married.NO DM
you kno, this 'everything you learned was a lie', is getting hard. how do i still honor, what i thought it was while still moving forward? 🥴
Only followers of this user (@Shin) can see their posts

Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it
and his mother proclaimed herself the sun god born on the 25th, birth of the sun.
the balls hung on the Christmas tree were literal
And people feel sorry for me when they find out we never celebrated christmas growing up.
we knew the 25th is definitely not Christ's birthday.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Lots of "isms" in there to digest

St Nicholas is an Eastern Orthodox Saint and was the Bishop of Myra. He is a major Saint in the Church and his feastday is celebrated by the Church on December 6th (new calendar). Emporer Constantine (Orthodox) started Christmas on Saturnalia to commorate the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Santa Claus as St Nick came much later and has nothing to do with the church at all and was outside of the church. We as Orthodox never even mention the name Santa and the kids in my Church don’t have any clue. From the ascension of Jesus Christ until 1054 there was only one Christian Church and that was the Eastern Orthodox. So if the Anglican Church (church of England) bans Christmas that’s irrelevant because it’s not the actual “Church” banning Christmas, it’s simply that one denomination. Although this video is somewhat factual it is very misleading. I live, work, and serve at an Orthodox Christian church and am surrounded by it 24/7.

Sv. Nikola 19. December in Eastern Christian countries and St. Nicholas 6. December in Western Christian countries.

I was THAT mom that couldn't bear to lie to him, I was the party pooper...lol Santa Is NOT real...I am yo santa...😆🤣
He and I still talk about this 29 yrs later..♡

Mom to Four Awesome Souls Western PA born and raised #godwins
This was my answer on TS:
I did not do the Santa thing with mine; and the "Elf on a Shelf" really creeps me out. But I do remember my oldest when, at six y.o. he caught his grandmother (my MIL) lying to me. Later, he was talking to her on the phone, whispering under the dining room table, and he asked her why she lied to me. She repeatedly told him he was wrong and to just forget about it. He was dumbfounded. His spirit was so deflated by that incident. It was really sad to watch.



We told our kid's from day one, that we all give each other gifts because we love each other more than some strange guy in red.
When our son was 3, the nurse at the dr's office asked him what Santa was bringing him for Christmas. When he replied "Santa is dead", she shot me an evil glance....
My husband and I decided that if we lied about something this big, they would wonder what else we lied about....
We often told them they were too young to know certain things yet.....I'm pretty sure we never lied to them....