1/ Moments ago someone rang at my door
Decending the building's stairs I could only see part of the top of his head
In hindsight, it was pretty obvious that he was tilting it in a way that would make him hardly identifiable.
I openned the door and he swooped in mumbling "I'll just move here" or something.
The young man had elocution problems, probably partly out of stress but evidently out of a lack of education.
I never tremble

2/ I moved slightly to the left, intercepting his forward momentum
He did not touch me nor did I
My eyes locked in with his and only saw a weeping sliver of a soul
Almost no light
I asked: "who exactly are you looking for here".
He turned around, pretended to look at his phone and said: "Oh shoot, wrong place"
And quickly ran back to the car that had brought him there and was waiting as a vigil.
As he skidaddled, I said: "no worries man"
Tonight, moments ago, I avoided something grave and I am thankful.
Tomorrow, I will be more wary of people hiding their faces.

3/ This the begining
As life will get harder in my city
So will the dangers
Steady yourself by knowing who you are,
tempering your character
and seat your soul.
The more you lie to yourself, either by evil deeds or by superficial kindness, the less it is seated. It goes both ways.
Had I carried a lovey-dovey vibe, I would have been hurt or dead.
A prime victim ready for the picking does not maximize the good in this world, best have a very good person that lives longer.
Being good is not merely acting good,
it sometimes involve ugly things
things we meticulously try to minimize of course.
Obviously, we keep these bad things from becoming a habit, a means or a goal - we do not enter the downward spiral of misery.
I'll will meditate, to reasses and refill the light I have just dispensed.
And to give thanks
It wasn't as bad as I thought.
It was a personal drug delivery, you know the kind of services where you call them up and they drop by. Only, he was one street off and landed at my house. It will happen again but not very often.
I saw more than I expected, he was part of the Somalian mafia but at the lowest level and had huge aspirations to get up the scales. He was training his soul into evil, normalizing and even starting to enjoy horrible thoughts and actions.
The Somalian mafia is a new thing here. We have the Haitian mafia but they where used as the grunts through inter-mafia deals. They are tired of this and want to go on to higher and cleaner types of crimes but they want to keep their drug business.
The Somalian mafia will be used by them as low-level drug dealers.
The Solamian mafia is waiting for the Haitians to become soft, there will be a huge mafia war, the Solamians are vicious they will likely win.
That is what I saw.
It wasn't a home invasion or attack