Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
WTF is happening?
I’m walking around doing Christmas shopping and half the dudes are wearing fooking jammies, look like they just woke up and have pink or green hair.
How are these pansies supposed to impregnate women to form the nextgen of society?
The CIA mind control programs have destroyed our Country!
DJT is right, America is going to hell and somehow we have to save it.
Went to my grands birthday party at a combo bowling ally game room last week.
It took EVERYTHING in me not to go over and pull up this guys pants. He was a 6 ft 30 to 35yr old father walking around with his little boy looking for a ball that he could pick up that his damn pants sagging so low they were all the way under his ass and his entire pair of underwear was showing.
I just can not understand it.
Nana has also seen many frens over the yrs divorce simply because they could not understand how to be different sexes on the same path with different roles.