REMEMBER ALL THOSE CHEMTRAILS WE SAW EVERYDAY THE LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS? i was keeping track and taking pics every morning on the way to work. OCTOBER, NOVEMBER & BEGINNING OF DECEMBER WE SEEN MORE THAN EVER, until we progressed into the month of DECEMBER i couldnt even tell ya bc there were always clouds in the sky. just gray everyday with low lying blankets of clouds as far as i could see. THE QUESTION IM ASKING NOW IS, WAS ALL THAT RAMPED UP SPRAYING PART OF THIS PLAN FOR THIS CURRENT BLIZZARD??? I made many posts on multiple platforms with pics, as the spraying became more intense and recieved responses from all across the US, CANADA, & EUROPE… all CABAL AREAS OF COURSE. IS IT LINKED? MOST CHEMTRAILS EVER NOTICED IN THE MONTHS LEADING UP TO THIS STORM, it has to be connected. ALL THESE PHOTOS ARE FROM OCT, NOV, & DEC 2022
I agree I've been watching too I've been keeping track days would start out no clouds in the sky, then these chemtrails just would go crazy all day and all evening... sometimes it appeared they were like playing games with us like baking tic tac toe boards and criss crosses!!!! I told my family the same thing they're hitting us hard!!!